At ClearTrust, our primary mission has always been clear: we exist for the flourishing of our families and stakeholders. Profit, while important, is secondary—a byproduct of our higher, perhaps idealistic aim of fostering genuine growth and well-being.
Our commitment to being a workplace that cultivates holistic flourishing has led us to critically examine our rhythms of work and rest. As a service industry leader, we've built our reputation on responsiveness and accessibility. For over 15 years, we've proudly championed our widespread availability and unwavering dedication to our clients, even in the face of natural disasters. It's been a cornerstone of our success, with many issuers choosing ClearTrust over other transfer agents precisely because of our reliability.
The secret to excellent work is rest. We can only give what we have. We can offer our clients excellence only if we ourselves are filled with excellent things. We can bring a smile to our clients' faces only if we are light and refreshed. We can think strategically and proactively only if we are fueled and healthy.
Rest is one of the most essential components of anyone's life, yet it's the one thing many in business are reluctant to discuss. The corporate world often glorifies being constantly connected, available, and productive. While this is frequently framed as an advantage for clients, the reality is quite different. In the long run, a team lacking proper rest inevitably produces subpar work.
Acknowledging the universal need for rest and disconnection can feel risky in a competitive landscape. It's a vulnerability that competitors might exploit, presenting themselves as superior alternatives. Yet, we believe that embracing this vulnerability is not just necessary—it's transformative.
In 2024, we made a bold decision: to adopt a rhythm of work and rest for our team based on a combination of market holidays and Levitical feast days. Why the feast days? There are many reasons, but one stands out: these ancient observances offer a time-tested rhythm of life that has sustained a people group for thousands of years. It's a cadence that's purposeful and laden with meaning, assigning time to work, rest, feast, fast, and truly live.
By incorporating these days into our own rhythm, we're inviting our team to experience a type of rest that is deeply needed but not widely given. We're choosing to live in a way that counters the draining, over-productive, and often idolatrous pursuit of profit for its own sake.
As we embark on this journey, we return to our foundational belief: ClearTrust exists for the flourishing of our families and stakeholders. By adopting these rhythms of rest, we're not just maintaining our commitment to excellence—we're deepening it. We're investing in the well-being of our team, which in turn allows us to provide even better service to our clients.
In the end, this decision reflects the very core of who we are as a company. We're not just about transfer agent services; we're about people. And by prioritizing the rhythms that allow people to truly flourish, we believe we're setting the stage for a future where both our team and our clients can thrive.
ClearTrust’s Rhythm of Work and Rest Honors the Following Days of Rest:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Washington's Birthday
Good Friday
Passover (1st and 8th Day)
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Sukkot (1st and 8th Day)
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
All Saturdays
16540 Pointe Village Dr, Suite 210 Lutz, Florida 33558
Phone 813.235.4490 | Fax 813.388.4549 |